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Carnival, Puerto Ayora, Galapagos

Fly agaric mushrooms by the roadside

Black and Pink Iguanas of Espanola

Mocking birds

Galapagos Lava Lizards

Wild goats and wild red deer

Red Kites


A few little birds of the Galapagos

Sealions rule the beaches

Wonderful to watch these creatures on the rocks, San Cristobal promenade.

A lovely morning at the bird hide.

Pelican and man working together

Quito, Ecuador

The Galapagos just kept producing another and yet another amazing wildlife experience.

Iguanas, North Seymour

The people of Quito, Ecuador

Waved Albatross’s of Espanola, Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Blue Footed Boobie

Giant Tortoises

Frigate Birds of the Galapagos Islands

Golden Plovers looking splendid in the sunshine

Architecture of Iceland

Iceland Trip

Little butterflies

Lapwings & chick


Beautiful Heron busy preening

A Busy morning at Ettrick Bird Hide.

Stonechats (Mr & Mrs)


Eider Ducks

Mallard Ducklings

Bute’s very own little Mandarin Duck

Mad March Hares

A wee trip off island

Spring is here

The Skelpies, Port Glasgow

Amorous Mallards

Spring is on the way!

Fab morning watching the otters

Singing Dogs

Different kinda big bird today.

Great Northern Diver also known as a Common Loon

Little Egret

White Tail Sea Eagles, Argyll

Cuteness alert… fabulous little longtail tits

The magical Pucks Glen, Dunoon

Secret Donkey Sanctuary

My favourite places

Aurora Borealis, The northern lights, Isle of Bute

Street Photography Glasgow

Hen Harrier


Autumn on Bute

Tawny Owl in moonlight

Benmore Botanic Gardens

Trip to Tywyn & Aberystwyth

Bute’s south end Butterflies

Little tufted duck having an early morning stretch

Fun at the fair

Minke whale off Bute

Buzzard in the evening sun

Sparrowhawk sheltering from the rain

Gallachan Beach, Isle of Bute


Fun on the beach


Beautiful little Linnet

Little Bank Vole

Moorhen in the trees!

Port Bannatyne’s famous pet


Rothesay old and new blended

Tywyn, Wales

Wild Boars of Argyll

Female Blackcap

Field mice

A few randoms from my walks about Bute

Lets here it for the Bees

Spotted Flycatchers


Colourful Butterflies

Flowers of Dumfries House Gardens

Four Spotted Chaser Dragonflies

Dumfries House Cumnock, Ayrshire



Red Squirrels

Like by Amateur Photographer magazine


Mandarin ducks





The Netherlands